Sunday, January 7, 2007

On finding your Passion

Before I start this entry please note that I have changed the title of my blog. I like this better.


Got a mouthfull about "passion" from my Dad the other day. I guess he wants to see the same kind of “fire” in me that he had when he was my age. Then the next day Corinne asked me “what are you passionate about ba?”… ahhhhh? You’d think someone in his mid 30's should have a straight answer.

All I had were more questions. What is Passion nga ba? Why don’t I feel it, or do I? How do you know its passion? Is it really necessary? I love talking to Popie and Corinne about these things. It’s really "our" thing. I think we feed off each other’s thoughts or energy or something. Anyhoo, there were no real resolutions except that Corinne has Passion ADD, Popie has Career ADD, and I just have ADD.

But in fairness, I did some contemplating and this is what I think I know or have decided to believe about Passion:
1) I have felt passion. I know what it feels like for my thoughts to be consumed by only one person or only one activity or even a gadget I want (passion parin yun diba?). Besides I am Mr. Overkill.
2) The object of passion is not necessarily found by chance…it can also be chosen (I felt empowered by this realization)
3) I have not found / chosen my passion in life but I have decided not to wait. 2007 will be about actively finding or choosing whatever it is. Deadline: December 2007 Blog

In the meantime, I am reminded about this quote I saw in an insurance office wall – Advice from a veteran trapeze performer “Throw your heart over the bar and your body will follow”… I really like that. All I need to do now is choose the bar and tell my friends I’m going over - in case my hands slip.

NAKS!!! LALIM!!!…tama na ito…need to go find some passion in insurance…

Pahabol lang...I was just about to publish when my ipod played Galileo serendipitously (haha! did i spell that right):

Corinne, paquote ng indigo Girls ha -
"if we wait for the time till all souls get it right
then at least I know there'll be no nuclear annihilation
in my lifetime" haha! consuelo de bobo. Good luck nalang to my next life.

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